The Prince Hall Masons of Rhode Island will hold a Bone Marrow Donor Drive on Saturday, Sept. 29, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple, 583 Eddy St., in Providence. The event, part of Sickle Cell Awareness Month, is part of a new  partnership with the Rhode Island Blood Center’s Be the Match Program.

The Bone Marrow Donor Drive is part of an ongoing community outreach around health initiatives effecting the African American and communities of color. There are nationally 100,000 nationally effected by the Africa originated disease.

Recently Rhode Island Jurisdiction’s Executive Council Members, Prince Reid Jr and Jonathon Hurt met with the State’s Be The March Coordinator Jen St. Peter and LIFESPAN Hospitals Chaplin and Sickle Disease Advocate, Priscilla Eskridge.

They discussed along with representatives from Eastern Star plans for 2019 legislative session and a possible Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Walk -A-Thon. We encourage our members and the community to consider becoming a Bone Marrow donor.

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