Join the Prince Hall Masons of Rhode Island Saturday, January 5, 1-3p.m., at the Masonic Lodge, 883 Eddy Street in Providence. They will be collecting slightly worn women  shoes to help Prout high school senior Bella Bianco. The Portsmouth, Rhode Island student’s goal is to collect 2500 shoes to go towards two great causes: sending a young woman of DR Congo to law school, and providing shoes to people living in less developed countries

If she meets her goal of collecting 2500  Action Kivu Foundation will give Bella $1000 which she will donate to a the law student in the region, who is a victim of the sexual crimes ( rape) afflicted on women in the region.

Please join the men and women of Prince Hall Masons, and the Order of Eastern Star by bringing your donation next Saturday.

For more information email Randi Snead at or call 401-481-2598.