The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Jurisdiction of Rhode Island
883 Eddy St Providence, RI 02905
February 12, 2019
Greeting Brothers and Sisters,
On behalf of our 65th Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Honorable Prince Reid Jr., of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Jurisdiction of Rhode Island, we extend to you a Fraternal and Cordial invitation to attend The Grand Master’s Ball, honoring our Most Worshipful Grand Master Prince Reid Jr. This event will take place on June 2, 2019 from 6:00pm to 12:00am at The Masonic Temple in LeCount Hall, 883 Eddy St. Providence, RI 02905. The Social Hour will be from 6:00pm to 7:00pm and dinner served promptly at 7:30pm.
To commemorate this event, a souvenir journal is being prepared to honor MWGM Reid. Enclosed is the souvenir journal advertising contract which we hope you will utilize to express your support, greetings and salutations. The deadline for all ads is Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Make all checks payable to Prince Hall Grand Lodge, and mail to MWGM Ball Committee, Attn: Sister Allison Broome, 42 Dunbar Ave, Rumford, Rhode Island 02916-3111. The OPTION of paying through the Cash App is available. Please send money to $JonathanRI.
For tickets and hotel information please contact a member of the committee.
Fraternally and sincerely,
The Grand Master’s Ball Committee
Chairman: RW Bro. Jonathan M. Hurt; Deputy Grand Master; (410)456-3559
Co-Chairman/Advisor: RW Bro. Paul F. Cardoza; PGM/Grand CCFC; (401)241-1467
Souvenir Journal Chairman: Sister Allison Broome; (401)439-6202
Co-Chairman Tickets: RW Bro. Stanford Cameron; (401)484-8826