BROTHER SAMMY VAUGHN Prince Hall Masons of Rhode Island’s In 1989, Brother Sammy Vaughn, was installed on June 30, 1991 as Senior Pastor of St. James Baptist church.

Under Brother Vaughn’s Leadership, the church accomplishments included the formation of a Bible Study Program; increased church memberships; and modernizing the Parsonage.

The church under Brother Sammy’s leadership grew its membership and resources, to include acquiring the National Guard Armory adjoining its property from The State of Rhode Island and created a Non-Profit Community Outreach and Resource Center.

Pastor Vaughan retired from service at St. James in October 2017. Although, he now resides in Virginia, he is back in Rhode Island from time to time to speak at events and to receive accolades for his work in the Rhode Island community.

Recently he delivered the Minister Alliance of Rhode Island’s you the keynote address at the annual Dr. King Breakfast.

A former Lifespan executive, and a 22-year veteran of the Navy with service during the Korean and Vietnam wars, Brother Vaughn has four children, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Brother Vaughn was married for 64 years to Gwendolyn E. Vaughan until her death in 2016.